  • Photograph of a person in a pink t-shirt with hands outstretched holding a monarch butterfly

    What is Dhruti? Introducing Your New Mental Health Advocate

    Welcome to Dhruti Trust!  Dhruti trust is a non-profit dedicated to providing free, confidential, accessible mental health services to college students. Entering university is a profound transition. Whether it be a move from your childhood home to a faraway place, from a village to a big city, from family and old friends to new connections,…

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  • Unleash Your Inner Strength: 6 steps to Dauntless Mental Health for Young Adults

    Suresh Arunachalam Young adulthood is a time of incredible change and growth, but it can also be a time of stress, uncertainty, and mental health challenges. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed but remember this: you have the power within you to navigate these years with resilience and build a foundation for a fulfilling life. Here’s…

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